All that really remains is to suck in my gut [a task that any middle-aged guy will tell you gets harder all the time] and admit it to my family. And go. Do I expect it to be liberation? In some ways yes, but in others it will be trading one reason for isolation and depression for another; there is no way of knowing that the half of me that is desperate to stay will not spend the next thirty years in mourning, as the half that is ready to roll has spent the last thirty under lock and key. I rather suspect, at this point, that it will.
But I do know that I can't go back to the way we were. And I can't really ask my family to walk this walk WITH me. I can only ask that they not shut me out, and let me return occasionally.
Well, I said long ago that I knew where I was going and what I had to go through to get there. The final panic has got to make way for some degree of willingness to move on, if only for the sake of motion -- stasis is death. Stasis in THIS condition is almost worse than death.
So, I pays my money and I takes my choice. But it is going to hurt a lot of people a lot.
Pray for me, but more to the point, pray for them.
Rest assured of my prayers for you...this is a long and painful journey. But, I'm told that there is a better life ahead. Occasionally I catch glimmers of it....but I'm not there yet.
ReplyDeleteWhen I am overwhelmed by the future just focusing on doing the next right thing all through the day often helps. But maybe that's just me.
ReplyDeleteAnd not that it matters, but I must say that your wife's words and reactions puzzle me.
Troll, as I hope you know, my prayers and thoughts are with you. Good luck on your journey and thanks for sharing your experiences with the rest of us.
I will pray for you, those you love and those you wish not to hurt. Give them all tolerance and wisdom to accept your actions. And the grace to continue to accept your unconditional love.
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned about the comment you made a few days ago, "I'm too old and fat to be gay." (Even if it's got some truth to it) I pray that you work on that too -- go to the gym, get a tan, buy some new clothes.
I think if you're committed to going, Troll, you should go forward as strongly and surely as you can. You've met some great friends over the net, and there are bound to be more waiting for you.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the luck and strength in the world, Troll. Keep us posted.
I have to wonder if you have thought through to the future? Can you envision yourself living the gay life without your wife and family? Is there someone out that your "dating" that is waiting for you to get divorced so you can be together? So many questions that only you can answer.
ReplyDeleteEmphasis here is thinking through this process to the end? Modifying a phrase from President Reagan: "Are you be better off (divorced) than you were (married)?" It seems that the gay subculture is youth oriented and a 40-something man is thrown out like yesterday's trash. I'd hate for you to make a major life change for the unknown.
Do a pro/con list. Think things through to their outcomes. How will this affect your kids and your relationship with them? Will they be understanding or alienating? This is not an easy subject by far.
Don't rush into something. Sometimes our hearts can deceive us also. Are you truly miserable in your marriage versus the unknown future?
In my limited prayer life, I will be praying for you.