Welcome Ernesto Raul, posting at The Day After Suicide and on the side-bar as "DA Suicide". He certainly writes well, even if what he has to say expresses my deepest fears about the Dark Side...
well, sometimes there is a great disturbance in the Force...
Queer as a three dollar bill, not married at all anymore, and as Christian as I can manage to be. Another, crankier voice in the conversation among married gay men and former inhabitants of the realm.
Love is a mystery, and it is the answer. Learning to accept that the answer may be a mystery is part of the process...
Once you give up on the idea of black and white rules, how do you know what's right and what's wrong?
You don't. You can't.
For the interested, there is a long discourse on my take on Christianity, homosexuality, and religious life over at Troll Talk.
More than you wanted to know, in all likelihood.
I dedicate the BlogRoll below to the guys who got me started, back in early 2006: Drew, Chris, and Joe the Toasted Bear. It's been a long, hard road, but it's all downhill from here...
Fear, trembling, and new paths ahead
I'm getting ready to move, to end a job, to get rid of most of my stuff,
and step into something new. And I don't know what it is. I'm trusting
i'll know...
From the archives…1/15/2008 The day I found out.
The day my husband told me he was gay will of course be burned into my mind
forever. I’ve been meaning to write a bit about it. It was a Sunday
evening. ...
Where To Begin
It’s hard to believe my last post was almost four years ago….. May 31,
2010. To say that my life has changed since I began this blog would be an
Going "Home"
*There was a time when my fingers regularly danced across the keyboard,
when I would drive and draft in my brain and when the words would find
A New Vocabulary Word
I learned a new word today…doxing. This weekend during a football game, an
over zealous fan verbally attacked another fan. The male used some
aggressive la...
Unexpected Blessings
Well, I'm at the end of another eventful year. I thought I had found true
love in Chris, only to have it end in a rather bizarre fashion. He told me
this t...
where am i?
can't believe it's been three years since i last posted here! and seven
years since i started this blog! life isn't perfect, but it's not the
I remember years ago, one older blogger posting about feeling invisible
in society because of his age, that people just didn't notice him anymore.
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