Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Our "weekend away" was something of a miracle on a number of fronts, but that miracle was largely due to my finally demanding some kind of mental stability from the man with the key to the pharmaceutical cabinet. The day after he broke down and let me go back on the drugs that had carried me for ten years, I woke up without the knots in my stomach and the vertiginous view of the void that had been making me crazy for the last several weeks.

If I have anything to say about it, I am never going back there again.

In the meantime, however, I have had a wonderful weekend on the beach with the Goat, which was magical in many ways, but most of all because both of us were away from all the things that tie us down and make us crazy and we could just be: us.

With any luck, I will get to introduce the Goat to my daughter next weekend.
Ah, what tangled webs we weave...

More about the escape to the shore sometime soon...
Hang in there, all.

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