Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Every once in a while something happens, and you have to take onboard all over again something you thought you had learned long before. What washed over me at some point today was the incredible generosity I have met from nearly EVERYBODY who has had to deal with me since last July.

I have spent, as if you couldn't tell, much of my time since then (and spent a good piece of the time before then, for that matter) as a sodden lump of melancholy, what Betty McDonald called a "Big Saddo." Not exactly prime companionship material. And over and over again, people have reached out, picked me up, dusted me off, and set me on my way again.

I will pass over for the moment the Goat Man, who is after all, getting something in return [however little he might want what he's getting], and even his Regular Boy Friend, whose generosity sometimes strikes me as pathological -- no, I mean, just people. My customer with the deadline yesterday not only met with me to give me what I needed to make it all work for him, but let me bring the stuff in this AFTERNOON instead of yesterday, and the next batch is not due for two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Nero burnt Rome in less than two weeks...

Anyway, we had a day that went over 80ยบ this week, which was remarkable even for Tropical New England [anything south of the Massachusetts line, basically], and suddenly it seemed possible that spring, let alone summer, might actually be on the way. Hot damn!

I drove around today after work, trying to figure out what I should do to celebrate the passing of that first finish line. It might involve alcohol, and it might involve spending money getting ready for the eventual visit of the Goat Man. Oh, God, let him come as advertised... if he failed to show up, I think I would really tank. And I've done that often enough recently without that level of just cause.

Of course, the GM himself would say that I should buy a bike and get some serious exercise in. If he has a dictionary, he obviously hasn't looked up "fat chance" yet...

God, it feels good to have some part of this spring's work hump behind me. Bring on the dancing Goat Men! I'm ready... only eleven more days, if all goes well...


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