My eldest uses the #6, which would look great on him if he trimmed the edges with something else, which he doesn't; the result is that he looks like someone whose hair has slipped down over his ears and collar after he finished -- or like someone who cuts his own hair. Fair enough.
I flirted with the #3, which I had taken for a test drive at the barber's in April, getting a very professional edge-trimming at 1 [I think]. Then I remembered that the April haircut had been just long enough to be a pain -- my hair grows in a spiral. It wouldn't stay brushed where I brushed it, but crept back into position so it could make me look like someone who had been caught up in a very small scale hurricane. No, I was going to take the plunge: it was time to go for the #2.
There are several rules about cutting your own hair:
1. Don't do it.
2. If you do do it, have someone else do the back,
because you can't see it, and mirrors only make it worse.
3. Whatever you do, start small; you can't glue it back on.

Now what about the edges... they looked sort of all right, but wouldn't it be nicer if they tapered? So I shucked off the #2 attachment, put my glasses back on and dug around in the box for the #1. Finally found it. I snapped it on, and tried [again] to get the clippers to tackle the back of my neck. I have no idea what it looks like, but I can tell it's weird, because even from the front you could see the little tufts that barbers always go after last with the really close setting -- and they were not looking like edges at all. They looked like... tufts. Hmmm. Then up around the ear.
That worked OK on the left side; the left side actually almost looks like the work of someone who knew what they were doing. But on the right, maybe because I was turning to the left, or working with my right hand on my right temple, it suddenly turned out that I hadn't developed the delicate touch I thought I had developed, and somehow scalped the area around my ear. And it was hard to stop trying this and that as long as I had the #1 on the clippers, so there are lots of little odd bits where I thought: Well, what if I try this? Oh, that wasn't such a good idea. What do I do now? What if I tried this? So not only does it look like I was run over by a lawn mower, but at some point I tried to struggle, and it bit deeper than usual.
Rule #4: Keep it simple. You will regret your experiments,
and while hair does grow back, it also takes time.
Then I thought: your mustache is running away with you. What if you used the clippers on it? But not the #1 or #2. Let's try the #4. Well, the #4 just let the clippers bypass the whiskers, so I tried the #3. Same deal; on to the #2. Finally, some general all-the-same-length clipping, although the prongs of the spacer had to travel a fair distance up my nose to get to the top of what my birth father so delicately termed my crotch-mop. Even that had its holiday aspect: here I am in the bathroom at 10 o'clock at night having a good time shoving the prongs of an electric clipper up my nostrils. Hmmmmm.

So here I am. The breeze moves though the stubble on the cranial field, and I probably have to worry about sunburn more than I used to, but it feels good. Just don't ask what it looks like. My plan is to ask my eldest to clean up the mess when he gets home...
ReplyDeleteI could tell that this experience was both fun and terrifying for you. What do you expect? SuperCuts?
I'm also a man well-acquainted with Mr. Wahl, and all the little guards. But I've learned that I should only use them below the neck. #2 mostly, and #3 where a little more length is desirable.
I go to a barber shop- one with a pole and everything - no salon or the like. My father had the predecessor to the Wahls and would cout my hair as a kid, an experience I would never inflict in myself or kids.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that I have no eye hand coordination may also factor in :)
Oh no...hehe. I'm sure it'll be fine. My partner tried cutting his hair recently too. I came home and it was all gone. ALL OF IT...he got frustrated and wrestled with it and finally decided to just shave it all bald right down to the skin (clippers with no guides.)
ReplyDeleteI've been doing mine for 20 years, I'm pretty good at doing it with mirror in hand too and got some tricks if you decide to do it again if you can't do the mirror...if you got curly hair though, not sure I'd recommend trying to cut it yourself. Funny post though.
Great post. Could you not post a picture of the haircut? Would be a lark.
ReplyDeleteFor about a year, I've done my own hair (#1). I've had to take great care when cutting the back so as to cut it all. Almost had an unintentional back-of-the-head mohawk!
ReplyDeleteMy moustache is usually well over my lower lip. Now I've even cut it back and grown the beard back. And, I'm letting my head grow. WHo knows what's next.
Take care with those clippers, troll. Cheers. Joe