They focus at a particular point either God’s actual, or His future, operations on the universe. When they reproduce operations we have already seen on the large scale they are miracles of the Old Creation; when they focus those which are still to come they are miracles of the New. Not one of them is isolated or anomalous; each carries the signature of the God whom we know through conscience and from Nature. Their authenticity is attested by the style.
Before going any further I should say that I do not propose to raise the question, which has before now been asked, whether Christ was able to do these things only because He was God or also because He was perfect man; for it is a possible view that if Man had never fallen all men would have been able to do the like. It is one of the glories of Christianity that we can say of this question, “It doesn’t matter.”

Another way of expressing the real character of the Miracles would be to say that though isolated from other actions, they are not isolated in either of the two way were are apt to suppose. They are not, on the one hand, isolated from other Divine acts: they do close and small and, is it were, in focus what God at other times does so large that men do not attend to it. Neither are they asolated exactly as we suppose from other human acts: they anticipate powers which all men will have when they also are “sons” of God and enter into that “glorious liberty.” Christ’s isolation is not that of a prodigy but of a pioneer. He is the first of his kind; He will not be the last…
The New Testament writers speak as if Christ’s achievement in rising from the dead was the first event of its kind in the whole history of the universe. He is the “first fruits,” the “pioneer of life.” He has forced open a door that has been locked since the death of the first man. He has met, fought, and beaten the King of Death. Everything is different because He has done so. This is the beginning of the New Creation: a new chapter in cosmic history has opened.

In much more recent times there had arisen a more cheerful belief that the righteous passed at death to “heaven.” Both doctrines are doctrines of “the immortality of the soul” as a Greek or a modern Englishman understands it: and both writers look upon this event as an absolute novelty. Quite clearly they do not think they have been haunted by a ghost from Sheol, nor even that they have had a vision of a “soul” in “heaven.” It must be clearly understood that if the Psychical Researchers succeeded in proving “survival” and showed that the Resurrection was an instance of it, they would not be supporting the Christian faith but refuting it.
If that were all that had happened the original “gospel” would have been untrue. What the apostles claimed to have seen did not corroborate, nor exclude, and had indeed nothing to do with, either the doctrine of “heaven” or... of Sheol.
--C.S. Lewis, Miracles, A Preliminary Study
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