Wednesday, August 22, 2007



You've been putting out and putting out and putting out, Aries. Good work! I'm impressed with the blend of high-minded generosity and ego-boosting self-expression you've synergized. Now, however, it's time to make a transition.

You need to start taking in and taking in and taking in. Your radiance needs to be fed by other radiances. Congratulate yourself for how aggressive you've been, then cultivate an equally robust receptivity.


According to the Haggadah, an ancient Jewish text, the first thing God made, before anything else, was the Torah. This book was "written with black fire on white fire." The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet became the raw materials out of which the Divine One forged heaven and earth.

Now you, Cancerian, have a chance to get firsthand evidence of the power that language has to shape experience.
In the coming days, I suggest that you formulate what you say with great precision. The words you use will have the power of the ancient magical incantation, abracadabra, which is derived from the Aramaic word meaning "I create as I speak."

for your own bit of squirrely star-talk, see Rob Brezsny...

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