Sunday, April 15, 2007


Well, here is another little milestone [yardstone???].

I am now officially out of playing with a full deck with jokers, which is a pretty good description of my life in the last year. OK, so maybe I wasn't playing with a full deck last year, but the jokers were certainly in play pretty much all the time. And now I am traveling at highway speed... [or at what passes for highway speed here in our little "urban area." Not general highway speed, not Montana speed highway speed...
...see lower portion of sign on right...]

This time last year I posted that I would never be [or alas have] the Friedemann who is my e-mail tag; this year I told him I'd been in love with him for thirty years, and he's still talking to me. Now there's grace for you. Nothing like an undeserved gift to remind you of God's role in our lives...

Stupid things I have done recently:

gone "home" for a doctor's appointment and told the Bean Curd People all about the Silver Fox. OK, not all, but enough. I find I am actually busting to tell people, and that most of them manage to steer the conversation away from my intended subject with skill and decision. The BCP were at least willing to listen, which in retrospect I realize was a real gift -- the evaders came later and made me appreciate what I had had in the beginning...

Well, this is wish you all the very best in the year ahead. I picked up my last joint tax return Friday to mail in on Tuesday, only to find in YESTERDAY's mail a financial statement "for my tax return." Whose idea of funny is that?


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