Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties. Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness.
Psalm 141:3-5

He is not so spoiled as I: he is surrounded by people he has every reason to believe would either drop him for good should he come out, or attempt to drive out the Demon of Homosexuality that possesses him [it is one of our little jokes that said Demon is in fact.......... a Troll].
It is a sobering thing to realize just how lucky you are; in my case, it is the simple fact that it never even crossed my mind that anyone I loved would cast me aside or into a pit of sulphur for what I was doing -- but then, I had enough to deal with just dealing with those I loved who were angry with me, or couldn't deal with what I had brought out into the open, against all the dictates of good taste. So I was dealing with a problem many times removed from the reality that most people in my situation must face; you have only to sample a few of the GMM blogs to realize how true that is. For all my whining, I am not dealing with the real costs of coming out.

The thing that worries me about our "relationship" is the degree to which it mirrors the artificially assumed positions of the leather world, with which, for all its reptile appeal, I am not sure I can whole-heartedly affirm. But there we are; maybe this is a sign, my way out of my leather dilemma: I can just tease people rather than acting out scenarios of degradation that require at least one of us to pretend to be something we are not, and will never be. The repair-man [a scenario I am assured many people find quite fulfilling] is apparently the tip of the iceberg...
We are separated by enough space, and enough monetary stress on both ends, that it is quite likely that we will never meet, or at least, not for a considerable length of time. And the logic of time-zones dictates that we are usually communicating when one of us is too tired to think straight. And yet, those occasional phone calls are part of what is holding this bundle of contradictions that walks around under my name in one piece. So when too much time goes by and I have had no one to chide and tease and laugh at, I begin to list to one side, to need propping up. To start lashing out at people who are not constitutionally inclined to take more shit than they deserve. To get, in short, into trouble again.

I invited a pair of former Catholic religious [who celebrated Vatican II by leaving their respective orders and marrying each other] over for dinner, and served up one of my little pieces de resistance: hot-and-spicy bean curd. Now, if I had stopped at cooking, all would have been well. But I insisted on talking. And that was where the evening began to fray. I kept them too long by offering dessert and then coffee when, had I had my eyes open, I would have seen that they were already desperate to leave. This was in fact one of the events that led me to the posting of the "watch before my mouth" bit in the first place...
A Change of Topic...
It struck me today that for someone who claims not to truly identify himself as gay, I have been spending an inordinate amount of time with gay men. In fact, I would say that some 99% of my social interaction since hitting this illustrious Would-Be-Metropolis has been with its gay community, or at least the bit of it that organizes around social events and social connection. It's like a halfway house for the non-outlaw closet guy coming to terms with coming out: none of the Larry Kramer issues, no barricades, no bar scene. Just a lot of really nice people putting on really nice events for people who all happen to have put themselves beyond the pale by what slot they put Tab A in.
Don't get me wrong. I am profoundly grateful to these guys. They have left me room to come out on my own terms, and if some of them have been a little forward, and others have mooned about a little too much, or perhaps just too obviously, it is a small price to pay for having a complete social scene delivered to one upon arrival in a strange town.

Everyone knows, however much they may quarrel with the particular number, that we are 3% of the population, and we will never survive if we don't stick together. So there is a constant cutting of slack, of making room for each other, of accommodation. Yes, there are catty remarks. This is not Mayberry, after all. And we are not Pollyanna the Glad Girl. Even Yours Truly has discovered that the Troll contains an Inner Bitch, who is determined to get out and get even with Some People. So I can understand that after twenty years in a small city, as opposed to twenty weeks, some things can turn sour. The wonder of it all is that so little of it has.
Back to That Other Topic...
I wrote a while ago about one of "Joe's" friends who had been dealing with coming out all alone. His daughter's greeting at their last common social event was: "So, Dad, you had it up the ass yet?" Now, on the one hand, that is exactly what I am not getting hit with. My kids may think it, but they are far too polite to say it.
But it is definitely one of the $64,000 questions, isn't it?

If you know what I mean.
The weird thing is that I distinctly remember the moment some thirty years ago, though not of course when that moment took place, when I said to myself: "You can go on having gay fantasies if you have to, but you have to stop fantasizing about surrender, about that great, dark man looming above you." It did not, of course, come in so many words, but the refusal to take onboard the obvious truth of what I was up to when left to my own devices now makes my devices seem pretty transparent.
Of many awful things that Quentin Crisp said, one of the worst is that "there is no great, dark man." Well, he may in fact be right; and you can measure some of the distance I have traveled by the simple fact that I am willing to put Quentin Crisp, the quintessential flaming queen, and my Charming Self, on the same page. In the same sentence. In the same sentiment. Yikes!
Well, aside from myself, who on earth did I think I was kidding?
Now, it remains to be seen whether I can in fact live out what I am wired to dream about; but I suspect that that is a problem that bedevils more people than merely me. But at least I know what I am about. And maybe even finally willing to just face the music and... dance?

But then, this is the Voice, the guy who had never heard the expression, which I had of course just used, "sleep like a top." There was a moment of silence before he asked why a top would sleep better than a bottom. I suggested he think about it for a moment.
That's just the kind of son-of-a-bitch I am.
The new year should be interesting. Time of ancient Chinese curses, you know...

Oops. Do you suppose he read my blog and figured out I wasn't veiling him too well?
Oops. I don't have enough friends, here or even elsewhere, that I can afford to piss any of them off.

You know, I do live in hope that one of these days I will just relax and let it all take care of itself. But I'm not holding my breath. And I advise you not to, either...
Hang in there. I do what I can, myself -- not that it gets me anywhere.
MCT, and Demon Of Homosexuality at large,
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think any road taken here is easier, maybe just different. (one man headache is another mans brain tumour)
Holding ones breath is probably sound advice, but impossible, and usually when I open my mouth to let my breath out it invariably comes out in words saying stuff I should not. I still seek to find the watchman to put before my tongue.
You know I am going to maintain my standpoint on Just Desserts, and my believe in the goodness of Trolls
Hi Troll,
ReplyDeleteYou said, "You know, I do live in hope that one of these days I will just relax and let it all take care of itself."
As you advised, I am not holding my breath, but I do also live in hope that you will be able to relax while it takes care of itself, because it will take care of itself whether you relax or not.
Hang in there,
I think you are going "somewhere", so if you can't relax, might as well enjoy the ride!