Saturday, December 16, 2006


No, I don't set any great store by horoscopes. But, on the other hand, I am beginning to think that the guy who does these horoscopes is watching me. Or tapping my phone... And now that I know that you can access him on-line, I can save hours of driving to find out what's really going on in my life...

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Listen! I will be honest with you. I do not offer the old smooth prizes, but offer rough new prizes.” Walt Whitman wrote that in his poem “Song of the Open Road,” and now I’m saying it to you. If you expect the events of 2007 to bring you old smooth prizes, you’ll be disappointed. But if you can figure out how to change your attitude in such a way as to actually yearn for rough new prizes, you will be rewarded beyond anything you can imagine. The first hint of how true this is will arrive soon.

That would probably be a phone call from the Silver Fox or the Bald Mountain... and I am rather readier than I would like to admit. But at the moment, I am the classic pariah dog.

When I have my head pasted back together some, I will post about the last week, which involved deadlines at two of my jobs and finally moving the last of my possessions out of my former home...

And another photo was left out for me to take away... apparently even photos of the children have to go if I appear in them... I know that anger is a perfectly normal reaction, but this is beginning to get to me -- everything is so polite on the surface, but underneath... I guess I just can't get used to being an ex-husband. And I haven't even really become one yet... and to top it all off, I was never told when a much-loved aunt's funeral was to be held. I couldn't have gone, quite aside from the awkwardness my presence would have created for everyone, but I would have sent or done something... but I guess it's not my place any more.

Talk about pariah dog...

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