Thursday, March 30, 2006


Has it occurred to anyone else in our little corner of the blogosphere that it might be a little odd how many of us there are, and that most of us/you seem to have started blogging around the same time?

Did Blogger change its ways of doing business when you started? Or is it just in the air and water? Was there a sudden upsurge in men that couldn't live a lie, or in men who suddenly couldn't lie to their wives, or in men who needed to start writing again, or who are trying to work through their issues in therapy ? Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that the upsurge should be in three or four of these categories at once?

For the record, I make my first visit to Alone-Type Therapy, as opposed to Marital, next week, and for once I am looking forward to it rather than dreading it, because I have a real issue: how to overcome HER fear of what lies ahead, and how to persuade HER that I can come out to our children without bringing the world to an end... or without bringing an end to all the worlds we can live in -- one is surely destined to end in fire and death...

Well, with that cheerful thought, and the fondest of greetings to Drew, Ian, Sean, and the Pig Demon, I remain ever yours,

The Troll That Dare Not Speak Its Name

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your encouraging words on the subject of depakote and medication. Considering how long I've been on one anti-depressant or another, it's amazing what a big deal I'm making out of trying another class of drug--but I guess that's what we who spend so much of our lives beating ourselves up do: we beat ourselves up.

    Again, thank you.
